Rupert Leo Brown, Fremont County, Wyoming (US)

Rupert Leo Brown

Missing Persons

Missing Since: 12/31/2020
Missing From: Fremont County, Wyoming
Classification: Missing
Sex: Male
Race : Native American
Age: 41 years old
Height and Weight: 5’6, 140 pounds

Clothing/Jewelry Description: A white pullover sweatshirt, jeans and black and white running shoes.

Distinguishing Characteristics: Native American male. Black hair, brown eyes. Brown has a scar on his left cheek and a scar near his right eye.

Details of Disappearance
Brown was last seen in the vicinity of Beaver Creek Housing in Riverton, Wyoming on December 31, 2020. He went to walk to someone else’s apartment,

but never arrived there and has never been heard from again. Brown may have travelled to the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana, where he has friends. Few details are available in his case.

Investigating Agency
Wind River Agency 307-332-7810

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