Noah Arriola, Isaiah Sanchez, Lazae Castilleja, LUBBOCK, (US)

Missing date:29/01/2022

Location: Texas, LUBBOCK, United States

Case type: Family Abduction

Noah Arriola

Noah Arriola


Sex: Male

Weight:90 lbs

Height:4’0″ ft

Current age:7

Eye  Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Isaiah Sanchez

Isaiah Sanchez

Birthday: 09/01/2016

Sex: Male

Weight: 50 lbs

Height: 3’5″ ft

Current age: 6

Eye  Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Lazae Castilleja

Lazae Castilleja

Birthday: 01/02/2018

Sex: Male

Weight: 40 lbs

Height: 3’0″ ft

Current age: 3

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black


Noah, Isaiah, and Lazae were last seen on January 28, 2022. They may be in the company of their parents. CAUTION: If located do not approach the children or companions, use caution, and immediately contact law enforcement.

Contact information:

1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Lubbock Police Department (Texas) 1-806-775-2865


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