Name Florence Helen Okpealuk, Missing Since 08/31/2020, Nome, Alaska

Florence Helen Okpealuk

Name Florence Helen Okpealuk

Missing Since 08/31/2020

Missing From Nome, Alaska

Classification Missing

Sex Female

Race Native American

Date of Birth 08/26/1987 (34)

Age 33 years old

Height and Weight 5’2, 142 pounds

Medical Conditions Okpealuk is an alcoholic.

Distinguishing Characteristics Native American female. Black hair, black eyes. Okpealuk’s nickname is Flo.

Okpealuk was last seen coming out of a tent on West Beach about one to two miles outside Nome, Alaska at 4:00 p.m. on September 1, 2020. She has never been heard from again and her jacket and shoes were found left outside the tent.

Okpealuk left behind a six-year-old daughter, and her family stated she was an involved mother who was able to co-parent with the child’s father. 



Investigating Agency: Nome Police Department 907-443-5262


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