Jennifer Nicole Blackmon, River Rouge, Michigan (USA)

Jennifer Blackmon

Missing Persons

Missing Since: 12/22/2020
Missing From: River Rouge, Michigan
Classification: Endangered Missing
Sex: Female
Race: Black
Date of Birth: 03/16/1985 (36)
Age: 35 years old
Height and Weight
5’5, 130 pounds

Clothing/Jewelry Description: A black trench coat, black boots and a scarf.

Distinguishing Characteristics: African-American female. Black hair, hazel eyes. Blackmon has a scar near her bottom lip, and her ears are pierced. She has tattoos on her breast, upper arm and forearm; photos of some of them are posted with this case summary.

Details of Disappearance: Blackmon was last seen in River Rouge, Michigan on December 22, 2020. Her car broke down that day, and she borrowed her daughter’s vehicle to run errands and go to work. She never arrived at work and has never been heard from again.

After her disappearance, Blackmon’s borrowed vehicle was found in the 500 block of Frazier Street, near where she used to live with her ex-husband.

According to phone records, the last call she made was to him, and the last known location her phone pinged from was on Frazier Street.

It’s uncharacteristic of Blackmon to leave without warning, and her family doesn’t think she would have abandoned her four children. Her case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency
River Rouge Police Department 313-842-8700

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