Harmony Montgomery, New Hampshire, age 7

Harmony Montgomery

Missing Persons

Harmony Montgomery

Missing Since: 11/28/2019
Missing From: Manchester, New Hampshire
Classification: Endangered Missing
Sex: Female
Race: White
Date of Birth: 06/07/2014
Age: 5 years old
Height and Weight: 4’0, 50 pounds

Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian female. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Harmony is blind in her right eye. She wears eyeglasses.

Harmony was last seen in Manchester, New Hampshire sometime in late 2019. The police were called to her residence on Gilford Street for unspecified reasons in October. On November 27, Harmony and her family were evicted from the Gilford Street home.

Multiple people reported seeing Harmony with her father and stepmothewr in the ensuing days, but between December 6 and December 10, the adults were seen only with their other children, not Harmony. She is believed to have vanished sometime between November 28 and December 10.

Harmony’s mother, Crystal “Crys” Renee Sorey, notified police in November 2021 that Harmony was missing. Crys had lost custody of Harmony in 2018 due to substance abuse issues,

and after she went into recovery and became sober she tried to contact Harmony. The child had been in foster care with her brother, until she was reunited with her father, Adam Montgomery, in February 2019. (Her brother was adopted by a family later that year, but remains in contact with Crys.)

Crys was able to locate them and she had a video call with Adam around Easter 2019, and saw Harmony in the background, looking “frightened.” This is the last time her mother saw her. After that, Adam blocked all contact, and Crys tried to locate her daughter for months without result. She said she had “a gut feeling that something is not right.” She said she made repeated calls to authorities about her concerns for Harmony’s welfare and had been ignored.

Police were initially unable to locate Adam. He was eventually found in Manchester, living in a car. Harmony wasn’t with him and he said he had given her to the care of her mother around Thanksgiving 2019. This wasn’t true, however, and Adam soon stopped cooperating with the investigation.

Harmony’s uncle, Kevin Montgomery, said he had seen Harmony with a black eye during the summer of 2019 and asked Adam about it. Adam told him he had “bashed her around the apartment” after he left her unattended with her baby half-brother and came back to find her covering the infant’s mouth to stop its crying.

Kevin said he had observed other behaviors by Adam that he thought were abusive, such as forcing Harmony to stand in a corner for four hours and telling her to scrub the toilet with her toothbrush.

He said the family had made multiple reports to New Hampshire’s Division of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) and Adam cut off contact with them because of this.

In January 2022, Adam was arrested and charged with felony second-degree assault for abusing Harmony in the summer of 2019, and misdemeanor charges of interference with custody and endangering the welfare of a child for failing to report his daughter missing. He has a history of violent behavior and in was sentenced to 18 months in prison after shooting a man in the head during a 2014 robbery attempt. He is also a suspect in the 2008 murder of a woman in Lynn, Massachusetts.

A day later his wife, Harmony’s stepmother Kayla Montgomery, was charged with one count of welfare fraud for obtaining $1,500 worth of food stamps on Harmony’s behalf between December 2019 and June 2021, even though Harmony was no longer living with her and Adam.

Kayla and Adam have three children together. Kayla said the last time shaw saw Harmony was in November or December 2019, when Adam said he was going to take her to Massachusetts, where Crys lived at the time.

He returned alone and Kayla never saw or heard about Harmony after that, and assumed she was safe in her mother’s care.

Authorities don’t believe Harmony was enrolled in school at the time of her disappearance. She previously attended a school in Massachusetts. Her case remains unsolved, but police and her family hope she is still alive.


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