Chance Lee Wackerhagen, 1993, Lockhart, Texas (US)

Chance Lee Wackerhagen

Missing Persons

Name: Chance Lee Wackerhagen

Case Classification: Endangered Missing
Missing Since: December 26, 1993
Location Last Seen: Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas

Physical Description

Date of Birth: September 2, 1984
Age: 9 years old
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 4’8″
Weight: 75 lbs.
Hair Colour: Blond
Eye Colour: Blue
Nickname/Alias: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Small dimple on his right cheek.


Dentals: Not Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Age-progressed to 28 years
Age-progressed to 23 years

Circumstances of Disappearance

Chance was in the Lockhart area spending Christmas with his non-custodial father, Lee Herman Wackerhagen, Jr. when he disappeared. He called his mother on Christmas Eve, asking to spend more time with his father, and has not been seen since. Gayle Williams, the child’s mother, divorced Wackerhagen in 1990 and said that when she last spoke to her son, he sounded happy and excited about his Christmas presents. Although he agreed to call her at a later time to set up his return to her home in Kingsville, she said she never heard from him again.

Lee “Dub” Wackerhagen, Jr.
Lee “Dub” Wackerhagen, Jr.

On December 27, 1993, Latricia White was found murdered in her Caldwell County home. The mother of two had been shot in the head six times. Despite the violent nature of the crime, there were no signs of a struggle, and nothing in her house had been disturbed. For the previous six months, White had been living with Lee Wackerhagen, Jr. She was last seen the day before her murder in Lockhart, Texas in the company of Lee and Chance.

Wackerhagen’s 1986 Ford pickup was found abandoned in Austin, Texas, a few days later, about thirty miles from the crime scene. In the truck, investigators found Lee’s hunting rifle, which had not been fired, his checkbook and his wallet. In the back were a toolbox, a spare tire and Christmas gifts. Some of the gifts were unopened, and they were all streaked with blood. Initially in the investigation, authorities felt that this blood could have been White’s. That was later ruled out and all blood tests were inconclusive. Four months passed with no sign of Lee or Chance.

Latricia White

Then Chance’s grandfather got an anonymous phone call at his home. The caller said, “help me” and then the call ended. Chance’s grandfather believes that the caller was Chance, but this has never been confirmed. Chance was often the focus of Lee’s arguments with Latricia. Two days before Christmas, a heated argument led to Lee packing his bags and threatening to leave. Just three nights later, Lee, Chance, and Latricia were seen enjoying themselves at a local restaurant. The argument was apparently forgotten. But late the very next day, Latricia’s father found her shot to death in her bedroom. Lee and Chance had disappeared.

Three days later, Lee was formally charged with first-degree murder and was believed to have kidnapped his son. Police issued a warrant for Wackerhagen’s arrest for the Caldwell County murder. He was also wanted in Kingsville, Texas for Interfering with a Child Custody for failing to return Chance Wackerhagen to the boy’s mother, who has legal custody. In addition, he was also wanted by the FBI for Interstate Flight to Avoid Prosecution. However, the elder Wackerhagen’s family maintains he neither killed White nor abducted his son, and believes the pair met with foul play. Williams told authorities she does not believe Wackerhagen would hurt the child.

Investigators now have evidence that Lee and Chance Wackerhagen were victims of foul play. It is believed that this was a crime of passion and that they were murdered by someone closely associated with the family.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: Texas DPS Criminal Investigative Services
Agency Contact Person: Agent Angie Kerr
Agency Phone Number: (210)-531-4375
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 93-18851

Agency Name: Federal Bureau of Investigations
Agency Contact Person: Special Agent Dennis May
Agency Phone Number: (512)-345-1111
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: N/A

NamUs Case Number: 2781
NCIC Case Number: M-126791244
NCMEC Case Number: 788061




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