Brock Jorden Comeaux, Rayne, Louisiana {US}

Brock Jorden Comeaux

Missing Since:01/02/2021
Missing From: Rayne, Louisiana
Classification: Endangered Missing
Sex: Male
Race: White
Date of Birth: 08/13/1992
Age: 28 years old
Height and Weight: 5’5 – 5’7, 180 pounds

Clothing/Jewelry Description

A camouflage-print jacket, a dark-colored shirt, blue jeans, and dark brown work boots.

Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian male. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Comeaux has tattoos on both upper arms and both forearms, including a lion’s head on his upper arm. A photo of one of his tattoos is posted with this case summary.

Details of Disappearance: Comeaux was last seen at the entrance of the Bird Village Subdivision at Highway 35/Wren Loop Street in Rayne, Louisiana on January 2, 2021. He has never been heard from again. Few details are available in his case, but foul play is suspected.

Investigating Agency
Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Office 337-788-8700

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