Bob N. Fletschinger Jr. Missing Since 01/05/2021, Missing From Chalmette, Louisiana

Bob N. Fletschinger Jr.

Name Bob N. Fletschinger Jr.

Fletschinger, circa 2021

Missing Since 01/05/2021

Missing From Chalmette, Louisiana

Classification Missing

Sex Male

Race White

Date of Birth 09/22/1957 (64)

Age 63 years old

Height and Weight 5’10 – 6’0, 170 pounds


Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Grey hair, blue eyes. Fletschinger has tattoos on his right arm, right forearm and left hand. His hair was shoulder-length at the time of his disappearance.


Fletschinger was last seen in Chalmette, Louisiana on January 5, 2021. He has never been heard from again. Few details are available in his case.


Investigating Agency: St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office 504-278-7639


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