
Dedicated to providing a public platform to aid the location of missing persons.

Combing web results on missing cases into one place.

Creating a platform for unsolved murders

Missing Persons


True Crime


People go missing for a wide range of reasons, and there is often more than one cause. Going missing is an indication that someone is struggling for one or more reasons; anything from being unhappy at home or school, to experiencing mental ill-health, to risks around exploitation and grooming. There will often be both push (things pushing someone to leave) and pull (things drawing someone away) factors involved in someone going missing.

For children and young people, some of the most common reasons are:

  • Being unhappy at home or in care, including conflict, abuse and neglect in the home
  • Risks around exploitation, including sexual exploitation and criminal exploitation
  • Mental health concerns

For adults, some of the most common reasons are:

  • Diagnosed or undiagnosed mental health issues
  • Problems at home and relationship breakdown
  • Many adults with dementia will go missing

Every person who goes missing will have different circumstances and reasons for going, and it’s important that these are explored when they are found or return.

Source: missingpeople.org.uk

A member of the community of child defenders.
The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC)
Every child deserves a safe childhood.
We envision a world where children can grow up safe from exploitation, sexual abuse, or risk of going missing.