Felix Tschoek, 5 months old, Dresden, Germany

Felix Tschoek

Name: Felix Tschoek
Case Classification: Non-Family Abduction
Missing Since: December 28, 1984
Location Last Seen: Dresden, Germany

Physical Description

Date of Birth: July 20, 1984
Age: 5 months old
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Nickname/Alias: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Bloodgroup: A Negative


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items

Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown


Circumstances of Disappearance

Felix Tschoek disappeared on December 28, 1984, after his parents parked his pram outside a department store in Dresden, a common practice in communist East Germany where street crime was virtually non-existent, in what authorities believe may have been a swap for a Russian baby.

Only a few days after Felix disappeared, an abandoned baby of about one-year-old was found left in a box in Dresden.

Police traced the box to a Soviet company. Authorities believe that the one-year-old boy, who reportedly responded to Russian language sounds at the time, may have been abandoned in an exchange with Felix.

The one-year-old was at first believed to be seriously ill and had operation scars that were not common for East Germany. The baby was adopted by East Germans and given the name Martin. He turned out to be healthy and now lives in Saxony.

Investigating Agency(s)

Agency Name: the Tschoek Family
Agency Contact Person: Dresden Police
Agency Phone Number: N/A
Agency E-Mail: eberhardtschoek@compuserve.de
Agency Case Number: N/A

BBC: 12 October 2006

Plea to Putin over baby mystery

Family plea in Dresden

The family made their plea as President Putin visited Dresden

A family in eastern Germany has called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to help them find their child, abducted in a high-profile case in 1984. Eberhard and Lenore Tschoek’s baby Felix, then five months old, was taken from his pram outside a department store in Dresden.

The family made their plea as President Putin

They believe he was swapped by a Soviet military officer for a sick child, found in a box in Dresden days later. The family made their plea as Mr Putin paid a visit to the German city. He has now wrapped up his two-day trip and returned to Russia. It is not known whether the case was brought to his attention.


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